Keurig – the Toyota of the coffee industry

In case you missed part one, here you go.

Ohhhh, where to begin. Since realizing that my second Keurig brewer keeps shutting off, I called Keurig no fewer than five times. Every time I was greeted with several automated messages that said, “We’re experiencing longer than usual wait times” blah blah blah. I would wait for five or ten minutes and then have to hang up because, well, I had crap to do!

Backtrack a few weeks: when Keurig sent me my second machine, the rep told me she would email me a shipping label so FedEx could pick up the first one. Six weeks later, no label. So yesterday I receive this email:

Despite our conversation, we no longer require your brewer back for analysis.  However, as proof that your brewer is no longer functioning, please return your K-Cup holder in a padded envelope and mail it to … Please return your K-Cup holder to Keurig as soon as possible for proof of ownership.

Are you freakin’ kidding me? I am supposed to go PURCHASE a padded envelope large enough for a K-Cup holder and then drive over to the post office and PAY to ship it back to you? Seriously? Not April’s fools?  Am I being punked? Ashton?

Well today I finally got through and achieved great success! (I hope) They actually acknowledged that many machines are defective and they are just sending out new ones rather than fixing the old ones. I also brought up the fact that I’m not paying to ship stuff back because their machines are screwed up (when did I get so ballsy???). Voila! Problem solved, don’t have to ship stuff back, should just throw them away. Whew.

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